Do you have action verbs for pigs like snort or grunt?

Here is a list of action verbs related to pigs:

- Grunt - To utter a low, guttural sound, especially as an expression of contentment or satisfaction.

- Squeal - To make a high-pitched, sharp cry, especially as an expression of pain, fear, or excitement.

- Snort - To make a loud, sharp noise with the nose, especially when angry or excited.

- Root - To dig in the ground with the snout, especially in search of food.

- Wallow - To lie in mud or water, especially as a means of cooling down or protecting the skin.

- Trot - To run slowly with a regular, even gait.

- Galumph - To run or move in a clumsy or ungainly way.

- Oink - To make a short, high-pitched sound, especially as a means of communication.

- Chomp - To bite or chew something noisily.

- Slurp - To drink or eat something noisily.