Is there anything special about the drinking habits of a deer?

Deer are herbivores, meaning they eat plants and don't drink alcohol. So, in that sense, they don't have any "drinking habits" in the way we typically think of the word.

However, they do need to drink water! Here's what you should know about their water intake:

* Water is essential: Just like any other living creature, deer need to drink water to survive. They obtain some moisture from the plants they eat, but they also need to drink from sources like ponds, streams, and puddles.

* They're selective: Deer are pretty picky about their water. They prefer clean, fresh water and will avoid sources that are polluted or stagnant.

* They drink frequently: Deer don't drink huge amounts of water at once, but they drink more frequently than other herbivores like horses or cattle. This is because they eat a lot of leafy vegetation, which has a high water content.

* They're nocturnal: Deer are most active at dawn and dusk, and they often drink water during these times.

So, while deer don't drink alcohol, they do need to drink water to survive!