Meat: The primary source of protein, used fresh, dried, and preserved in various ways.
Hide: Used for clothing, shelter (tipis), blankets, robes, moccasins, and even boats.
Bones: Made into tools, weapons, and ornaments. Marrow was also eaten.
Tendon: Used for bowstrings, thread, and other materials.
Hair: Woven into blankets, ropes, and other items.
Hooves: Used for glue, and sometimes for rattles and ornaments.
Tongue: Considered a delicacy.
Organs: Some organs were used for medicinal purposes.
Dung: Used as fuel, fertilizer, and building material.
The significance of the bison:
* Food security: The bison provided a consistent and abundant food source.
* Economic stability: The materials derived from the bison facilitated trade and supported their livelihoods.
* Cultural identity: The bison played a significant role in their spiritual beliefs, stories, and rituals.
It's important to remember that the relationship between Native Americans and the bison was one of deep respect and careful use. They practiced sustainable hunting methods to ensure the continued health of the herds.