What is the name of that book ayurveda regarding treatments cows written by Gauthama?

There is no known book on Ayurveda specifically dedicated to cow treatments written by a person named Gauthama.

Here's why:

* Gauthama is a name associated with the ancient sage Gautama, who is credited with writing the Nyaya Sutras, a foundational text in Indian philosophy, not Ayurveda.

* Ayurveda has extensive knowledge about animals, including cows, but the focus is on human health and well-being. There are specific texts within Ayurveda that address animal health, but they are not solely dedicated to cows.

Some texts relevant to animal health in Ayurveda include:

* Ashtanga Hridayam by Vagbhata: This classic text contains a chapter on animal medicine.

* Sharngadhara Samhita: This text includes information on animal health and diseases.

* Bhaishajya Ratnavali: This text has a section on animal health and treatments.

Important Note: While Ayurveda does offer guidance on animal health, it is crucial to consult a qualified veterinarian for the diagnosis and treatment of any health issues in animals.