That said, here are some common categories of substances that may be used in animal agriculture:
* Growth hormones: Primarily used in cattle and pigs to increase muscle growth and milk production. The most common is recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), which is produced in a lab and is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring hormone in cows.
* Other hormones: Some farms may use hormones for specific purposes, such as progesterone for pregnancy synchronization in cows or testosterone for managing reproductive cycles in some animals.
* Antibiotics: Used to prevent and treat infections, but also sometimes used as growth promoters. This practice is controversial due to concerns about antibiotic resistance.
* Pesticides and herbicides: May be used on crops that are fed to animals.
* Antiparasitic medications: Used to control internal and external parasites.
* Pain relievers and sedatives: May be used for routine procedures, such as castration or dehorning, or for managing pain in ill animals.
It's crucial to note that:
* Regulations differ: The use of specific chemicals and hormones in animal agriculture is subject to regulations and restrictions that vary by country and region.
* Consumer concerns: There's growing concern about the use of certain chemicals and hormones in food production, particularly regarding potential health risks and ethical considerations. This has led to increasing demand for "organic" and "hormone-free" animal products.
* Alternative practices: Some farms employ alternative practices, such as pasture-based farming or organic agriculture, which generally avoid the use of certain chemicals and hormones.
For detailed information on specific practices and substances used in animal agriculture, you can consult with organizations like:
* The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
* The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA)
* The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Remember that the term "factory farm" is often used critically, and it's crucial to be aware of the various perspectives and debates surrounding animal agriculture practices.