* Deer: White-tailed deer, mule deer, red deer
* Squirrels: Gray squirrels, red squirrels, flying squirrels
* Rabbits: Cottontail rabbits, snowshoe hares
* Foxes: Red foxes, gray foxes
* Bears: Black bears, brown bears
* Wolves: Gray wolves, red wolves
* Raccoons: Common raccoons
* Opossums: Virginia opossums
* Badgers: American badgers
* Beavers: North American beavers
* Mice: Deer mice, white-footed mice
* Shrews: Short-tailed shrews, long-tailed shrews
* Bats: Little brown bats, big brown bats
* Woodpeckers: Downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, red-bellied woodpeckers
* Owls: Great horned owls, barred owls, screech owls
* Hawks: Red-tailed hawks, Cooper's hawks, sharp-shinned hawks
* Chickadees: Black-capped chickadees, chickadees
* Nuthatches: White-breasted nuthatches, red-breasted nuthatches
* Robins: American robins
* Cardinals: Northern cardinals
* Blue jays: Blue jays
* Warblers: Yellow warblers, yellow-rumped warblers
* Thrushes: Hermit thrushes, wood thrushes
* Snakes: Garter snakes, rat snakes, copperheads, rattlesnakes
* Lizards: Skinks, anoles
* Frogs: Green tree frogs, bullfrogs, leopard frogs
* Salamanders: Spotted salamanders, mudpuppies
* Ants: Carpenter ants, fire ants
* Bees: Honeybees, bumblebees
* Butterflies: Monarch butterflies, swallowtail butterflies
* Beetles: Ladybug beetles, June beetles
* Moths: Luna moths, cecropia moths
This is just a small sample! Many other animals live in woodlands, depending on the location and type of forest.