Here's what's going on:
* Diet: Toucans are primarily fruit eaters. They play an important role in spreading seeds by eating fruit and then excreting the seeds in other locations.
* Mutualism: While they don't rely on other animals for food, toucans do engage in mutualistic relationships with some other species. This means both species benefit from the relationship:
* Cleaning: Toucans have large, colorful beaks that can be difficult to clean. They often allow smaller birds like tanagers to perch on their back and eat insects and parasites that they find there.
* Nest Sharing: Toucans sometimes share their nests with other bird species, like parrots or owls. This can provide mutual protection against predators.
* Food Sources: Toucans may follow other animals, like monkeys, to find fruit or other food sources. The monkeys might be better at finding ripe fruit.
In short: Toucans aren't strictly *dependent* on other animals for survival. They are primarily fruit-eating birds, but they do engage in symbiotic relationships that benefit both themselves and other species.