Here are some examples of birds that whistle:
* Whistling ducks: These ducks have a distinct whistling call that is used for communication.
* Whistling plovers: These small shorebirds have a high-pitched whistling call that is used for communication and alarm.
* Whip-poor-wills: These nocturnal birds have a distinctive whistling call that is used to attract mates.
* Canaries: These popular pet birds are known for their beautiful whistling songs.
However, it's important to note that other animals can also make whistling sounds:
* Dolphins: Dolphins use whistles and clicks to communicate with each other.
* Porpoises: Like dolphins, porpoises use whistles and clicks for communication.
* Whales: Some whale species, like humpback whales, make complex whistling sounds.
* Some rodents: Some rodents, like rats and mice, can make high-pitched whistling sounds.
So, while birds are the most commonly associated with whistling, it's a sound that can be made by a variety of animals.