Here are some examples, focusing on different aspects of intelligence:
Problem Solving & Adaptability:
* Chimpanzees: Known for their tool use, social problem-solving, and impressive memory.
* Crows: Demonstrate complex tool use, planning for the future, and recognition of individual humans.
* Octopus: Exceptional problem-solving abilities, with the capacity to escape from complex enclosures and even use tools.
Communication & Language:
* Dolphins: Have a complex communication system using whistles, clicks, and body language.
* African Grey Parrots: Capable of learning human language and displaying an understanding of concepts.
* Bonobos: Possess sophisticated communication skills, using gestures, facial expressions, and vocalizations.
Social Intelligence:
* Elephants: Known for their complex social structures, grief rituals, and impressive memory for social relationships.
* Dogs: Highly adaptable, social creatures that can read human emotions and respond accordingly.
* Bees: Live in highly organized colonies with intricate communication systems and complex division of labor.
Ultimately, "smart" is a human-constructed term that doesn't perfectly translate to the animal world. Instead of looking for a single animal, consider what specific aspects of intelligence you are interested in and explore the fascinating ways different animals display those abilities.