Here's a breakdown:
* Tree: This representation is often used to illustrate the lineage of different animal groups, showing how they branched off from a common ancestor over time. Each branch represents a new group of animals with shared characteristics.
* Web: This representation is more complex and emphasizes the interconnectedness of different animal groups. It shows how species have interacted and evolved together, highlighting their relationships beyond simple ancestry.
The specific representation of the animal kingdom depends on the context. For instance:
* Educational diagrams often use a simple tree format to highlight major animal groups (e.g., mammals, birds, reptiles).
* Scientific publications may employ intricate web diagrams to illustrate complex evolutionary relationships.
* Popular media may use stylized images of animal groups, often emphasizing their diversity and uniqueness.
Overall, the animal kingdom is a vast and interconnected world, and its representation is often a reflection of our understanding of its complexity and interconnectedness.