What ancient civilization consumed a lot of fish and cattle?

There are a few ancient civilizations that heavily relied on fish and cattle for sustenance, making it difficult to pinpoint just one. Here are some examples:

* Ancient Egypt: While they were known for their agriculture, particularly grain, fish and cattle were also vital parts of their diet. The Nile River provided an abundance of fish, and cattle were raised for meat, milk, and labor.

* Ancient Mesopotamia: This civilization, known for its agriculture and early city-states, also relied heavily on fish and cattle. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers offered a rich source of fish, and cattle were crucial for agricultural work and meat.

* Ancient Greece: The Greeks were known for their seafood, particularly fish, which played a significant role in their diet. Cattle were also essential for their agricultural economy and provided meat and milk.

* Ancient Rome: Similar to Greece, the Romans consumed a lot of fish, particularly from the Mediterranean Sea. They also raised cattle for meat and milk, which were essential for their growing population.

Ultimately, the specific civilization that consumed the most fish and cattle is hard to determine with certainty. All of these ancient civilizations relied heavily on both food sources for their survival and prosperity.