* Meat: This was the primary source of food, providing a large amount of protein for settlers and their families.
* Hide: The thick, durable hide was used for making clothing, tents, blankets, and even building materials.
* Bones: Bones were used for tools, utensils, and even building materials.
* Tendon: Bison tendon was strong and durable, making it useful for making ropes, bowstrings, and other items.
* Fur: Bison fur was used for warmth and insulation, particularly in colder climates.
* Tongue: Bison tongue was considered a delicacy and was often traded or sold for profit.
* Fat: Bison fat was used for cooking, lighting, and waterproofing.
* Hooves: Bison hooves were used for making glue and other products.
The sheer abundance and versatility of the bison made it an incredibly valuable resource for settlers, especially during the westward expansion of the United States.