Here's the breakdown:
Cattle farming is a broad term encompassing the raising of cattle for various purposes, including:
* Beef production: Raising cattle for their meat.
* Dairy production: Raising cattle for their milk.
* Leather production: Using cattle hides for leather goods.
* Other products: Cattle can also be used for their manure (fertilizer), horns, and even as draft animals.
Dairy farming is a specific type of cattle farming focusing on raising dairy cows for the production of milk. This milk is then used to create various dairy products like cheese, yogurt, butter, and ice cream.
Here's a simple analogy:
* Think of cattle farming as a big umbrella covering various types of cattle raising.
* Dairy farming is a specific umbrella under the larger cattle farming umbrella.
So, while dairy farming is part of cattle farming, not all cattle farming is dairy farming.