6 Characteristics Unique to Mammals

Mammals are different from other animals in several ways. While they may appear to look or act similar, they are diverse because of several factors that make them unique. There are several different kinds of animals that can be classified as mammals; however, these mammals may look very different from one another even though they have some basic characteristics in common. An example is the human species; we are mammals, and although we are different from other animals, there are several defining traits we have that classify us as such.
  1. Mammals Have Hair or Fur

    • A mammal has either hair or large amounts of fur completely covering its body. The purpose of this is to regulate heat and hold in certain smells, as well as protect from the elements. The fur is usually soft and plentiful, and separates mammals from animals who have scaly skin or hard shells.

    Mammals Are Warm-Blooded

    • A mammal is always warm-blooded; this is one of the most basic characteristics that separates it from other animals. The purpose of this is to maintain body heat and keep it regulated at a specific temperature. The purpose of eating is mostly to fuel this constant body temperature, rather turning into additional body mass.

    Mammals Breathe Air Through Lungs

    • A mammal has lungs it uses to breathe in air and exhale carbon dioxide. Lungs assist with every other system and are a basic survival tool. All mammals begin breathing at birth and must continue breathing in order to survive.

    Mammals are Born Alive

    • All female mammals give birth to live young. They become pregnant by being internally fertilized by the male. Furthermore, when baby mammals are born they are cared for by the mother for a fairly long period of time after birth; baby mammals rarely survive if they are separated from their mother immediately after birth.

    Mammals Feed Their Babies Milk

    • A female mammal feeds her babies milk from her body. This milk is the only source of food for mammals for quite some time after birth. It has the appropriate amount and type of nutrients for the mammal's growing body.

    A Mammal is a Specific Color

    • A mammal is a shade of black, brown, white and tan. There are no exceptions to this rule; a mammal cannot be a bright color such as neon green or orange. Mammals can also be mixes of several colors; for example, horses, giraffes and cheetahs are all several different colors combined.