How to Donate Farm Animals in America

More than a million children go hungry in America every day. By donating a farm animal you can give someone a better a life. One goat can provide milk, cheese and yogurt, two chickens can produce many eggs, and heifers can provide meat to last for months. Donating multiple animals will allow reproduction. This means more gifts for more people in need. You are giving someone a gift that will provide benefits for years. For a small contribution of money, donating a farm animal can done easily online.


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      Choose an organization such as Garden Harvest, Mercy Corps, World Vision, or 4-H of America. All of these organizations have programs that allow Americans to donate animals to other Americans, or to people all around the world. You can also research local farmers or social service offices to ask about similar projects in your own community.

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      Call to talk with a service representative and get the necessary details. Ask what animals are the most popular and most needed to determine what the best purchase is. A specific animal may be more suitable or needed for some rural areas. For larger organizations, clarify specifically that you want the animal to be donated to an American family in need.

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      Pay for the purchase over the phone with a debit card or credit card, or send a check in the mail. You also can make orders and pay easily online. Check with the Better Business Bureau to make sure the organization is legitimate. Save your confirmation number or receipt. Donating a farm animal in America is a charitable contribution that can be deducted from your federal income tax.

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      Wait for validation that the animal has reached its destination. Be sure that you request this feature. Many organizations allow you to see pictures of the family that will receive the animal. Share what you did with friends and family to encourage other donations.