How to Build Cattle Pen Gates

Setting up a home for your new cattle can be a tedious task. Once you erect a fence around their pasture, there's only one last thing to do: put up a gate. Some buy prefabricated gates; others make their own. One method for penning cattle is the electric fence. Most ranchers extend this to their gates since it is a cheap and easy way to keep the cattle in and unwanted visitors out.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Wire cutters
  • Pliers
  • 12 gauge high tensile wire
  • Electric fence gate handle
  • Plastic insulation for 12 gauge wire
  • Fence connector
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    • 1

      Move your cattle to a location safely distant from the location where you've chosen to raise your gate.

    • 2

      Turn off the power to your electric fence and put on your gloves.

    • 3

      Check to be sure that two end posts frame the space where you intend to put your gate. This provides a sturdy support and makes it less likely the cattle will be able to break through.

    • 4

      Unwrap the wire from its coil and straighten it out. Wrap the wire around the top of the post to measure how much you need. Be sure to leave at least 8 inches extra.

    • 5

      Using the pliers, twist the wire at the midpoint to make a small loop. Be sure this is big enough for the gate handle to fit into.

    • 6

      Determine how much insulation you'll need to cover the wire that wraps around the end post. When you add the insulation, it should span the circumference of the loop you've made and encircle the post, but leave the ends bare.

    • 7

      Twist the wire tightly to secure it into place. Affix the bare wires to the fence wire directly. You can also twist the ends into a loop and run an insulated wire from the fence to this loop. Repeat this on the opposite end post.

    • 8

      Repeat steps 4-7 for as many gate handles as you have, going down the post. This will result in small loops that will be electrified on both end posts.

    • 9

      Hook the gate handle into one loop and secure a line of wire at the other end using the pliers and wire cutters.

    • 10

      Run that wire to the opposite loop and attach it securely. Repeat this for all the gate handles. Be sure it's strung tight. This will keep the cattle from forcing their way through.

    • 11

      Test to make sure your wires are tight and secure. If they are, turn on your electric fence.