How to Get Scrapies Tags

Scrapie disease affects both sheep and goats in the United States, with the first case found in 1947. The disease belongs to a class of infections --- transmissible spongiform encephalopathy -- that have the same abnormal protein found in bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or "mad cow disease." Concerns about the potential health issues of the animals infected resulted in the creation of the federal Scrapie Flock Certification Program in 1992.

Things You'll Need

  • Premises identification number
  • Flock identification number
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    • 1

      Determine if your sheep and goats meet the federal requirements for tagging to determine the number of tags you need. Count all sheep and goats that you plan to move to another location; to a new owner; all breeding or potential breeding sheep; all sheep from 18 months old and older; and any sheep or goats except wethers you plan to exhibit. Include any sheep or goat that had scrapie exposure or possible exposure, according to the National Scrapie Education. Do not include lambs and goats going for slaughter and low-risk goats. Add in additional tags you expect to need for one year.

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      Contact your state veterinarians association for state requirements. Determine if your state uses only federal guidelines or includes additional regulations, such as Georgia's requirement to tag all goats that have contact with sheep. Count all sheep and goats required by your state's additional regulations.

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      Contact your local U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Service office or call 866-873-2824 and ask for premises and flock identification numbers.

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      Decide if you want to use the official tags. Ask the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Service office or state veterinary office to send the number of tags you need, if you want to obtain the tags from the USDA.

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      Ask your veterinarian or Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Service office for a list of the companies approved to sell scrapies tags if you prefer different types of tags. Contact the company and provide the number of requested tags, your flock identification number and request an order form and process information for obtaining the tags.