The Best Ways to Lure Cows Into the Barn

It may be necessary to return a loose cow to the barn, or get a cow after she has calved in the pasture. The most commonly practiced way to lure a cow into a building is to rattle a bucket of feed, as it triggers their instinctual response of being fed. If retrieving a cow that has calved, it may be necessary to tease the cow into the barn with her calf. Finally, if all else fails, she must be herded.
  1. A Bucket of Feed

    • The most common way to lure a cow into a barn is to put a little bit of grain in a bucket and shake it. Do not fill the bucket. Instead, have just enough to make a noise with when it rattles inside the pal. Cows recognize that sound and believe that they are going to be fed. Slowly walk backwards with the bucket, allowing the cow to occasionally stick her nose in and get a taste of the feed.

    Her Calf

    • Many farmers allow their cows to calve in pastures. In the case of dairy cows, they need to be brought into the barn to be milked within a few days. A cow will seldom leave her calf. As a result, to get her in the barn you will need to push or carry her calf there first. Generally, the cow will follow behind. You can also make bawling sounds that are similar to that which the calf makes.

    Calling Her

    • If your cows are extremely tame, calling to them may be enough to get them in the barn. Some farmers have certain calls, such as "Come Bossie," they use when they feed the cattle. A cow may respond to a call that she is familiar with.

    Herding Her

    • The last resort is to herd her into the barn. Open the entryway to the barn and then position yourself behind her. It is much easier to accomplish if there is at least one additional person, as the cow may try to dart from side to side to get past you. Walk behind her slowly, calling at her, and anticipate her movements to steer her into the barn. Some cows will resist more than others.