Reasons for Livestock Judging

Livestock producers evaluate sheep, cattle and pigs. This is called livestock judging. The livestock producer identifies animals with the potential to produce high-quality offspring or products. The physical appearance and the performance records of the animals are compared to an "ideal" animal. Livestock producers judge livestock to compare animals and make management decisions. Students in FFA, 4-H and other youth organizations gain practice in livestock judging by competing in events. Animals are formally evaluated at livestock fairs and shows.
  1. Ideal Animal

    • Livestock judging involves the evaluation of breeding and market animals. Breeding animals remain in the herd to produce offspring. Market animals are sold for meat. An ideal breeding animal regularly produces high-quality offspring, while an ideal market animal produces top-quality beef, lamb or pork. Livestock judging identifies the most desirable animals to fit the specific need. The perfect animal constantly changes. An ideal animal from last year may be different from the ideal animal this year.

    Characteristics of Ideal Market Animals

    • Market sheep, cattle and pigs are raised for the meat they produce. A desirable market animal has the proper weight and age. The animals have thick muscling through the shoulder, loin (back) and rear quarter. Market animals have the necessary condition (fatness) to produce a high-grade carcass, but remain lean and trim.

    Characteristics of Ideal Breeding Animals

    • In addition to the thick muscling and adequate size, a breeding animal requires structural soundness and balance. Breeding sheep, cattle and pigs must walk freely and exhibit sound feet and legs. Breeding animals are reproductively sound. The females are feminine in appearance and have the ability to produce sufficient milk for their offspring. The males are fertile and sire numerous offspring.

    Production Records

    • Production records, in addition to the visual evaluation of the animal, are included in livestock judging. The animal's weaning weight, average daily gain, and days to reach market weight are part of the production records. Not only must the animals have desirable confirmation, they must have adequate production.

    Livestock Judging Contests

    • Livestock judging contests allow students to practice animal evaluation. Four animals of the same species, sex and age make a "class." Students evaluate the class of animals and select the first- through fourth-place animals. The placings are compared to the placings of the official judge. Many contests require students to give oral reasons about the placings.

    Livestock Fairs and Shows

    • Livestock fairs and shows are held throughout the United States. Animals are grouped according to species, age and sex. An official judge evaluates the animals and awards the ribbons. The first-place winners often move to the championship classes.