How to Track Cattle

Years ago, tracking cattle was the job of cowboys on horseback. Now in a faster-moving world with much more technology, tracking cattle has become much more advanced. Some traditions have not changed, such as identifying the cattle and corralling cattle. Using satellites, computers and the GPS (Global Positioning System) is the new way of tracking cattle for the more modern cowboy.

Things You'll Need

  • Cattle chute
  • Corral
  • GPS tracking system
  • Computers
  • GPS collars
  • Ear tags
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      Prepare ear tags for your herd of cattle. Match your ear tags up with a spreadsheet on the computer for records. Also, match up your GPS collars and a tracking program with the ear tags and identification.

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      Corral your cattle and organize them to go through a chute.

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      Put ear tags and GPS collars on your cattle. Record the entire process on paper to enter into your spreadsheet on the computer.

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      Turn your cattle loose in the direction you want them to graze. Being gregarious animals, they should stick together as a herd unless there is a problem.

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      Check your computer that is hooked up to your herd's GPS collars on a daily basis to know their location and activity. Many GPS collars are sophisticated enough to let you know how often a cow drinks, eats or defecates.