Colors of Mini Rex Rabbits

People have bred rabbits into multiple breeds, just like dogs, that all have their own distinguishing characteristics. Mini Rex rabbits grow a short coat of fur with a texture like velvet, and generally stay below 5 lbs. in weight. These rabbits come in a range of colors from albino white to pure black.
  1. Solid Colors

    • Mini Rex rabbits come in a variety of solid colors, all with matching solid colored bellies. The American Rabbit Breeder's Association has recognized the Mini Rex in solid colors like black, blue and chocolate for showing and breeding purposes. Like with other furred animals, the blue fur of a Mini Rex is actually a blue-tinted gray color. These rabbits come in white as well, but that color is considered a different category for breeding purposes.

    Agouti Colors

    • An agouti coat features bands of different colors between the tip and base of the hair. A lighter colored undercoat is also a key part of the agouti coat. Mini Rex are available in agouti varieties like chinchilla, castor, lynx and otter. Chinchilla was one of the first colors developed when the breed was first created and can't be bred with many other colors, says the Mini Rex Color Crossing Guide. Castor colored rabbits are dark brown with black tipped hair, and lynx and otter are shades of gray with white undercoats.

    Broken Colors

    • A broken Mini Rex isn't hurt, but his coat features patches of a solid color over a bright white background. Black, chocolate and blue broken colors are common but almost any solid color can appear in the broken variety. Mini Rex also have some form of a mask or eye spots in the solid color if they are of breeding quality, says the American Rabbit Breeder's Association's Standard of Perfection. The belly of broken colored rabbits should be completely white.


    • While white Mini Rex do have a solid colored coat, breeders consider them in their own category. This is due to the two varieties of pure white rabbits. White Mini Rex can have either blue eyes or the traditional red eyes, according to the National Mini Rex Rabbit Club. Blue eyes are recessive and require special breeding to maintain a pure white coat without the albino eyes. Both are accepted for showing purposes, but pet owners who find the red eyes creepy should choose a blue-eyed white Mini Rex.