Things You'll Need
- Hatching eggs
- Still air incubator
- Oxine or bleach
- Flashlight
Run the incubator in a temperate, stable temperature environment such as a temperature controlled room in a garage or house. Temperatures should range between 62-75 degrees. Disinfect the incubator with a mild bleach (1 part bleach to 6 parts water) or Oxine (follow label directions) solution. Use Oxine for the best results and the least smell. Rinse after the weak bleach cleaning. but not after the Oxine. Let the machine thoroughly dry after both cleaning techniques. There should be no residual chemical smell if using the bleach.
Set the temperature at 99.5 or up to 100 degrees for the eggs. Correct the humidity in the incubator. Set it between 50 and below 60% humidity. Place eggs in the incubator. Mark the top of each egg with a pencil. This aids in turning the eggs. Turn eggs every 7 hours.
Candle the eggs after 5 days to see if they are fertile or developing a chick. Candling can be done in a dark room by shining a flashlight behind the egg. Hold the egg on both ends. Aim the flashlight so that the beam shines through the egg. Look for a netting of veins inside the egg and a dark spot which is the embryo.
Raise humidity to 65-70% 3 days before hatch. Prepare the brooder area for the chicks at this time by hanging the heat lamp and setting up the food and water bowls. Use a non-slip substrate in the brooder area for the chicks, such as paper towels or clean and dry wood shavings. Chickens hatch in 21 days and begin peeping the day before hatching.