Comb and Wattle
A rooster has a prominent comb and wattle. The rooster's comb is large, bright and designed to catch the attention of the female. Roosters with larger combs tend to be more dominant than roosters with small combs. This is true of the hen's combs as well. Even though the hens' combs are smaller and paler than the rooster, a hen with a larger, brighter comb than other hens is more likely to be a better egg producer. Like the comb, the wattle on a rooster is larger and brighter in color than the hen's wattle.
Roosters have a striking plumage and enjoy strutting among the hens to show display their brilliance. The colors are bright and bold throughout the entire body. Though the hen may have some of the same colors as the rooster, her colors are pale instead of bold and bright. The bold colors on a rooster add to the desirability during mating season. A hen may reject rooster's advances if his colors are not as bright as other roosters in the group.
The size of the chicken varies between the rooster and the hen. The hen has a short, squat appearance, while the rooster is taller and thinner. The rooster also has a strut and attitude that projects majesty over the flock of hens. This is not all in show, the rooster is a protective and doting flock leader. The size of a rooster plays a part in the hen's decision to allow mating. The larger the rooster, the more alluring he is to the hen. The rooster's size also contributes to the dominance over other roosters.
A rooster's tail feathers are long and bright. A rooster's tail feathers are longer, more prominent and brighter. A rooster will raise and display his tail feathers during mating. The longer and brighter the feathers, the more pleasing the rooster is to the hen. The hen's tail feathers are shorter and pale in comparison to the brilliance of the rooster's tail feathers. A difference also exists in the feathers of the chicken's neck. The rooster has long, thin, pointed feathers. The hen's neck feathers are shorter with a rounded tip.
The Differences in the Looks of a Hen & a Rooster
Many features of the rooster exist solely to attract the attention of a hen during mating season. Even though a hen has many of the same features as a rooster, the distinguishing characteristics of the comb, wattle, tail and neck feathers provide the best identification in the physical appearance between them. The comb is the flesh type crest on the top of the chicken's head. The wattle is the fleshy skin hanging below the beak.