How to Lay Chicken Feed

Maintaining the health of your chickens begins by ensuring that they are fed and watered. This involves laying chicken feed in their coop, and providing drinking troughs so they can water when they like and remain hydrated. It is important that you lay the feed correctly to avoid encouraging the chickens to go to the coop. Putting it in the correct place means that the chickens can access it easily. Once you know how to lay the feed properly, you will ensure that your chickens have an ample food source.

Things You'll Need

  • Trough feeder
  • Chicken grain
  • Warm water
  • Sweeping brush
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    • 1

      Check that your chicken feed has not gone off. Make sure it is fresh. Look at its color, smell and squeeze it. If it has mold or mildew, get rid of it, as it could harm your chickens.

    • 2

      Stock sufficient amounts of feed for your chickens. As Poultry One notes, small Leghorn hens eat between 4 and 5 ounces of grain every day. Larger birds like Barred Plymouth Rocks eat around 7 ounces a day.

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      Clean the trough feeder thoroughly using warm water. Dispose of any old unwanted food to make sure your new supply is not contaminated with it. Let the trough dry out before filling it and replacing it in the chicken coop.

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      Fill a trough feeder two-thirds full of grain. This keeps an ample supply of grain up without allowing it to go off before it is eaten.

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      Sweep up any old grain that is lying around on the floor of the chicken coop. Dispose of the debris you collect in a bin.

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      Place the trough in the center of the chicken coop. Ensure that there area around the trough is clear so that the chickens have direct access to it.

    • 7

      Refill the trough throughout the day if the feeder gets below one-fifth full.