Read the livestock report for the desired Virginia auction. For feeder cattle (young, growing cattle), the statistics recorded include the number of head sold, the weight range, the average weight, the price range and the average price. Feeder cattle are divided into groups depending on their sex -- steers, heifers or bulls -- and their mature body size -- small, medium and large.
Calculate the approximate selling price by multiplying the average weight by the average price. For example, the total price for a 500-pound feeder steer selling for 105 is calculated by multiplying 500 pounds by $1.05/pound. The price for the steer is $525.
Read the Virginia livestock report to find the weight range and price per pound for slaughter cows and bulls. Slaughter cows and bulls are used for meat, not breeding. They are divided into categories according to quality. Bred cows and cows with calves are sold as a price per individual or pair and go back to the farm. Young dairy calves are occasionally sold at a price per head.
Estimate the price of Virginia slaughter lambs by noting the weight range and price per pound. Slaughter lambs are categorized by weight and by the quality, such as choice or prime. Breeding ewes (females) sell by the price per head. Slaughter pig prices are listed for each weight range. Breeding swine are usually sold as a price per head.
Calculate the price of goat kids or bucks by multiplying the price per pound by the weight. Goats in Virginia are usually categorized by sex and weight. Some horses are sold at auction at a price per head.
How to Read a Virginia Livestock Report
Livestock auctions are held Monday through Saturday throughout the state of Virginia. Cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses are sold by auction to the highest bidder. The prices paid at the auctions are included in livestock reports. Animals destined for feedlots or slaughter are usually sold at a price per pound. Breeding animals are often sold at a price per head. The prices paid at the livestock auctions give an accurate record of the current market prices for livestock.