Information on Agriculture & Animal Life in El Paso, Texas

According to the Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas has 247,500 farms covering more than 130 million acres of land. Animal husbandry is an important part of El Paso agriculture. More than 57 percent of all agricultural products sold from El Paso are livestock, poultry and their products.
  1. Conditions

    • El Paso,"The Sun City," has a warm and dry climate that is excellent for production of cattle, poultry and horses. Produce or livestock that does well in a wetter climate, such as exotic hardwood or fish hatcheries, will not thrive in this semi-arid climate.


    • More than 35 percent of farmland in El Paso is used for harvested crops, and 85 percent of this harvested crop land is irrigated. Cattle and calves make up a large portion of agricultural business in El Paso, which averages about 24 cattle per 100 acres of farmland. Milk-producing cows make up about a quarter of El Paso's cattle population.


    • Orchards, vegetables and upland cotton are popular harvested crops in El Paso. More than 10,000 acres of land are devoted to orchards.