Purchase a lamb with large, bulging leg muscles. When viewed from behind, a desirable lamb is widest through the center of the leg (stifle.) Pick a lamb that walks wide, often an indication of heavy muscling.
Build a small step to place below the grain feeder. The lamb stands on the step and stretches to eat grain from the feeder.
House the lamb in a large pen. Or turn the lamb out into a large pasture or field at regular intervals for exercise.
Build a low jump in the middle of the sheep pen. Place the water trough on one end of the pen and the feed troughs on the other end. The lamb jumps the obstacle while moving from the feed to water.
Halter the lamb and walk it regularly. Encourage the lamb to run and exercise hard for 300 to 400 yards around a large pen or track. A herding dog is useful in encouraging the lamb to exercise.
Exercise the lamb in the cool morning or evening to avoid overheating. Gradually build the duration and intensity of the exercise program over the two-month period prior to the show or market.