Type of Rabbit for Meat

Rabbit meat is consumed in North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East, but in lower quantities than chicken, beef, lamb, or pork. While commercial rabbit meat comes from domestic rabbits, several factors determine which specific breeds are chosen for meat.
  1. Nutrition

    • Rabbit is a white meat that is high in protein and low in calories and sodium. It is high in iron, niacin, vitamin B12, phosphorous and cholesterol.


    • According to Becca Rapelje, author of My Bunny Farm, a website dedicated to recommending rabbit breeds for pets and meat, rabbits chosen for food grow a lot of meat while still young (less than 6 months). Older rabbits are used for stew, as the meat tends to be tougher. Breeds that contain large amounts of meat across the back and hind legs are selected as domestic breeds for consumption.


    • Breeds of domestic rabbit selected for meat include Californian, Cinnamon, American Chinchilla, Creme d'Argent, French Lop, Hotot, New Zealand, Palomino, American Sable, Satin, Silver Fox, Harlequin and Silver Marten.