How to Feed Deer Corn

Deer are common throughout the United States and Canada. They often enter our residential areas and eat away at our landscaping. The population of deer rises every year due to the hunting of alpha males, which drives females to find a new alpha and mate. After hunting season, birthrates for deer nearly triple, causing an effect opposite of what hunters intend. The result is a population of deer that are starving, vulnerable and desperate for food. So how do you keep them from eating your peonies in a humane way?

Things You'll Need

  • Livestock-approved, dried ears of corn
  • A water source
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      Go to a farm supply store and look for corn on the cob that has been dried. Typically, this comes in a bag or a box. Either is fine and will serve the purpose of feeding the deer.

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      Take note of where the deer enter your yard and what plants they prefer eating the most. This will help you in placement of the corn and protection methods for your landscaping.

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      Place the corn 150 feet from the entry point, preferably closer to a wooded area if that is where the deer enter the yard. You can put the ears on the ground or on a wooden slab.

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      Pour water on the ears of corn to help soften and loosen the kernels so that it is easier for the deer to pull them off the cob.

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      Remove any eaten cobs every day and replace them with new ones.