How to Keep Miniature Donkeys Warm in Winter

Miniature donkeys, sometimes referred to as "miniature Mediterranean donkeys" or "Sicilian donkeys," are popular as companion animals thanks to their patient and affectionate nature. Providing adequate shelter for your donkeys in the winter is essential because these miniature breeds do not have a waterproof coat like other equines and are more susceptible to the cold, wet elements of winter. Fortunately, it is not difficult to keep miniature donkeys warm in winter as they are relatively hardy animals that require minimal resources for good health.

Things You'll Need

  • Barn or shelter
  • Hay
  • Mineral lick
  • Horse blanket
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      Construct a small barn or three-sided shelter large enough to accommodate your donkey. In regions that experience especially harsh winters, a well-built barn will work more efficiently at keeping the donkeys warm than a lean-to or three-sided shelter. For multiple donkeys, make the shelter large enough for them to have space to move freely. The entrance to the barn or shelter should face away from the prevailing winds.

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      Place an ample layer of hay or straw on the floor of the shelter to help insulate the ground.

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      Provide a steady supply of nutrient-dense food. Your donkeys require a healthy diet to maintain the energy levels necessary to keep them warm. Provide high-quality hay such as brome grass or timothy hay with small amounts of alfalfa. Also provide a mineral lick with selenium. Feed grain can also be given for extra energy though it is not necessary.

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      Use horse blankets or horse coats if warranted. Most donkeys will not require this extra protection from the cold; however, you may consider such garments for weak or ill donkeys, young weanlings, or pregnant and nursing jennets.