How to Keep Raccoons From Chickens

Raccoons are fairly large animals. Raccoons roughly measure approximately three-feet long, have a 12-inch, bushy, ringed tail and can cause quite a disturbance. They are omnivorous animals and will eat fruits, nuts, garbage, grains, insects, fish, turtles, bird eggs, rodents, young rabbits, poultry, carrion and certain crops, such as corn. They also can pose a real threat to chickens. Not only that, they run the risk of carrying a disease that could harm you and your animals. Protecting your chickens from raccoons can be easily done using some of the following methods.

Things You'll Need

  • Live trap
  • Repellent
  • Coyote urine
  • Electric fence
  • Compost structure
  • Commercially available raccoon-proof composter
  • 1/4-inch mesh hardware cloth
  • Boards
  • Metal flashing
  • 1-inch chicken wire
  • Small-mesh wire
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    • 1

      Set up live traps near the area the chickens are kept. Lure the raccoons into the trap using bait. Once the raccoon is inside the trap, a door is triggered and closes, trapping it inside. Then, relocate the raccoons far away from your home. A minimum of at least 10 miles should be put between the raccoons and any nearby homes.

    • 2

      Apply a repellent around the area the chickens are kept. Harassing odors will encourage the raccoons to stay away from your chickens. Coyote urine works as well. Repellents can be purchased online or at farm supply centers, hunting stores or at any shop selling bird supplies.

    • 3

      Place an electric fence around the area your chickens graze. Dig the fence at least two feet into the ground. Raccoons can dig under the fence easily if it is not dug into the ground.

    • 4

      Put any chicken food you have left outside in a securely covered compost structure or a commercially available raccoon-proof composter.

    • 5

      Close off any potential points of entry to the chickens with 1/4-inch mesh hardware cloth, boards or metal flashing.

    • 6

      Equip your chicken house with well-fitted doors and secure locking mechanisms.

    • 7

      Place one-inch chicken wire over a sturdy wooden framework. Overlap and securely wire all seams on the top to help prevent any raccoons from forcing its way in with their weight and claws.