How Long Does it Take for a Chicken Egg to Hatch?

Hatching an egg is a great project for any classroom. There is more to it than putting the egg under a light bulb and letting it hatch. The temperature must be monitored. The humidity levels should be watched. The eggs need turned. It is a great experience to be able to listen to the peeps chirp a day or two before they emerge from the egg.
  1. Considerations

    • Choose eggs that have been gathered within a day or two. Old eggs usually do not hatch well. The fresher the egg, the better the chances of hatching.


    • Eggs should be as close to the same size as possible. A large variety of eggs will result in a large range of hatching times. It is best to keep the hatching times close.


    • Eggs should be free from indentations, cracks, or other unusual shapes. There should be a pointed end and a rounded base for better hatching capabilities.


    • Failure to rotate the eggs while they are in the incubator can result in deformed chicks or the eggs not hatching at all.


    • The eggs do not need to be cleaned before putting them into the incubator. Washing the eggs could result in bacteria or disease penetrating the egg shell and harming the chick inside.

    Time Frame

    • The chicken eggs will hatch approximately 21 days after being placed into the incubator. The tell tale sign of when the eggs are ready to hatch is when the chicks actually start making peeping noises in the shell.