How to Choose a Meat Rabbit Breed

There are many different breeds of rabbit, and some of them are better than others for eating. Rabbits should ideally be small enough to care for easily, which means that you should avoid giant breeds, and large enough to provide you with a nice amount of meat when they are slaughtered.


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      Locate a meat rabbit breeder near you. Some breeders breed to show, and this kind of rabbit will be much more expensive than one bred for food.

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      Ask about the breeds of rabbit that your local breeder sells. Ask, also, if they have a recommendation for the best meat rabbit.

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      Research your breeds to find out about the care and habits of the meat rabbits.

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      Learn more about meat rabbits with the help of the web sites included in the resources section.

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      Select for meat qualities rather than for looks, and buy locally if at all possible to avoid shipping costs and complications.