How to Raise Cornish Game Hens

The Rock Cornish Game Hen was fist bred in 1950 in an attempt to replace the guinea hen-due to a farm fire a large flock of guinea hens were lost. The Cornish Game Hen is a product of crossbreeding the Cornish chicken with other breeds of chickens. The result was a smaller, plumper hen that produced only white meat. The average weight of a game hen is 2-1/2 pounds. Read on to learn more.


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      Decide if you are able to raise game hens-Cornish Game Hens are for slaughter not to lay eggs. Not everyone can raise animals for slaughter.

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      Create a pen that will provide a warm coop with plenty of air movement. Hang food and water dispensers suspended above the floor of the coop to keep the water and food cleaner longer.

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      Select a well-balanced high in nutrients feed for your game hens-you can ask for assistance at any feed store.

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      Study the special needs of a Cornish Game Hen. Most people raise chickens to sell the eggs-this is not the scenario you are in.

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      Learn about bantam birds-Cornish Game Hens are bantam birds. You will use more space to house Cornish Game Hens than chickens that lay eggs.

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      Determine if your climate is healthy for game hens. Remember warmth and air flow is vital for disease free hens.