How to Raise Anconas Chickens

The Anconas chicken is a rare breed that originated near the Italian city of Anconas. It is a descendent from the early Leghorns and other earlier breeds. The Anconas has a mixed ancestry that has helped the breed develop into a hardy species. The Black Leghorn is actually an Anconas. This breed of chicken is specifically known for its egg-laying capabilities. They produce large quantities of white eggs. Read on to learn more.


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      Decide if you want to raise chickens that lay eggs or not. The Anconas is a rare breed in the United States, but its egg laying capability borders overwhelming.

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      Create a chicken coop that takes into consideration the Anconas' ability to lay large amounts of eggs, that they can fly enough to jump a fence and that they eat grass and forage for bugs in the ground.

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      Hang food and water dispensers suspended above the floor of the coop to keep the water and food cleaner for longer.

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      Select the brand of chicken food you want-there are many different varieties sold in feed stores. Chickens will eat anything so learn what the best diet for the Anconas.

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      Study the different breeds of chickens. Most people raise chickens to sell the eggs. Choose a breed that will give you the results you want.

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      Determine if you want full-size hens or bantams. Bantams are small or miniature birds. Your decision will be based on the amount of space you have available to house the chickens.

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      Learn which chickens are best suited to your climate. The price of each chicken will vary in accordance to the breed.