How to Raise Laying Hens for Eggs

If you have a bit of space on a small farm, you can raise laying hens for farm-fresh eggs of your own. While the chickens do take a bit of work, you can count on having eggs so fresh that no supermarket can even come close.


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      Decide what breed of chicken you want for your flock. White leghorns are popular laying chickens, but there are many other varieties to choose as well.

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      Plan a budget for your egg operation. Feed, water, heating bills and the cost of building space are just a few of the items to consider. This isn't such a big issue if you are just going to raise the laying hens for your own egg consumption.

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      Build a chicken coop or adapt an existing building. You need at least 3 square feet per layer. Provide at least one nesting box for every four chickens. Your laying hens also appreciate a place to roost.

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      Bring the chickens into their coop. Regardless of whether you bring in chicks or pullets, don't expect eggs the very first day.

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      Feed the chickens commercially-prepared chicken feed. Also, supply them with fresh water. Chickens also need grit to help them digest their food. Keep the coop clean at all times.

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      Watch the hens as they begin to lay eggs. Chickens lay eggs in a series, usually at least one egg every two days. If you don't find and retrieve their eggs from the nest, the chicken sets on the eggs to hatch them. Since you are raising these chickens for their eggs, you don't want them to set.

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      Keep track of the chickens that are not laying eggs. Feed is expensive. If the hen isn't doing her job, she might as well be your Sunday dinner.