How to Build a Llama Pen

Raising llamas is one of the fastest growing agriculture areas in the country. People from all walks of life are finding that these beautiful creatures are a great source of extra income. Building a good llama pen is one of the first steps to raising llamas successfully.


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      Purchase heavy gage wire fencing that is at least 4 to 5 feet high. Llamas can jump a 4-foot fence if they feel they need to, so making it a bit higher is a good idea.

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      Install fence posts in the area where you wish to build the pen. Be sure and dig your posts holes below the frost line.

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      Pour concrete directly into the hole and mix with a little water.

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      Sink post into concrete and let dry completely. Repeat until you have set all your posts.

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      Nail fencing to posts with a u-shaped nail designed for attaching fences. Be sure your fencing is tight to the ground.

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      Partially bury several inches of chicken wire around the bottom of the fencing and install two thin wires above the fence all the way around the pen to deter dogs and other predators.

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      Build a 2-by-5.5 foot chute in the corner of the pen for routine medical care and toenail trimming. It should have a top pole about 45 inches from the ground. This makes the llamas easily accessible. You can also install removable plywood side panels to make the walls solid.