How to Sell Donkeys

If you love donkeys, you may want to share that love with others by selling your donkeys. There is a growing market for donkeys, especially because donkeys are such hardy animals, and have a good, mellow, temperament. Read on to learn how to sell donkeys.


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      Ensure your donkeys are used to people. Handle them every day, and allow your children to handle them also on a regular basis.

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      Wait to sell your foals until they are weaned.

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      Worm and vaccinate the donkey foals. Provide written certification. Your vet can help you by providing the documents.

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      Provide an instructional booklet with the donkey, so that the new owners have some guidelines as to the donkey's care.

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      Create a website and have pictures of your donkey foals posted. Provide information about each one.

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      Advertise your donkeys at feed shops and at local fairs. Many sales have been made at a country fair-it's a perfect way to make people aware of your donkeys as you will have hundreds of fair-goers passing by, perhaps every day that fair is running. Look for fairs online or through the town office or department of agriculture.

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      Display pictures of the sire and dam as well as some pictures of your farm.

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      Post testimonials as your donkeys sell. If your customers love your donkeys, they will be glad to share that with others.

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      Limit who can own your donkey foal. Some ranches or farms will refuse to sell their donkey to someone who does not have another donkey to keep the yours company. "Please note that donkeys are herd animals and are not happy living alone..." states the website of Gail's Pygmy Goat Ranch &Mini-Donkeys, "They need another donkey friend. Therefore we will not sell a donkey to a home where they will be alone."

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      Interview the prospective buyers carefully. You want to make certain that your donkey goes to a good home where it will be loved and cared for, not abused.

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      Provide a guarantee for the donkey foals regarding their health and confirmation. Also, if the donkey's new home doesn't work out, be willing to take back the donkey.

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      Register your donkeys with the American Donkey and Mule Society. The society states that "any donkey may be registered as long as it meets the basic confirmation requirements."