How to Care for Adult Emus

Caring for your adult emu is a daily process. A natural environment for your emu farm is the best way to have healthy emus that become good breeders. You must make every effort to create a proper pen, keeping your emu farm area clean.

Things You'll Need

  • Pen
  • Shelter
  • Feed
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      Build a pen large enough to accommodate your emus. Your pen should be at least 30 by 100 feet. Pens must be constructed of chain link or welded wire fencing and must be at least 6 feet high.

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      Construct a shelter inside your pen to protect your emus from winter winds and hot summer days.

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      Pay attention to your emus' habits. Some emus choose to lie along fences or in other areas of your pen. Protect them from cold winds by putting a tarp on the fence in the area where they lay or possibly building a wall to help keep them comfortable.

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      Keep your pens and shelters clean and well drained. Feces and standing water promotes bacteria growth which can be harmful to your emus.

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      Choose high-quality feed for your emus. They will eat about 1-1/2 lbs of quality ratite feed per day. Feed can be purchased at your local farm supply store.

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      Match an adult male and adult female emus together in a pen. It may take 1 or 2 mating seasons before your emus begin to lay eggs.