How to Build a Chicken Fence

Whether you want to build a chicken fence for chickens or another animal, you need to build one that is sturdy and well made. It is fairly easy to build a chicken fence, if you know what to buy and have well laid plans.


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      Decide what your fence will be used to house, be it chickens or something else. Large animals require a larger fence, naturally.

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      Determine how big you want your chicken fence to be. Know the approximate height and area you will need it to be.

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      Make a sketch, to scale, of what you would like your chicken fence to look like. Use graph paper to do this and a pencil, for easy fixing of mistakes.

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      Measure out the area that you want to build the chicken fence. Use spray paint or yard chalk to mark it off exactly as your sketch allowed.

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      Go to the hardware store. Buy barbed wire or another type of fence that will hold in chickens or whatever you choose. Know how much to buy; take the length of all sides and add it together and add another foot or two of fence, to be safe. Also, buy a sturdy rope or twine and some wooden planks, cut to the height of your chicken fence. Purchase extra fence if you want a top on your fence.

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      Drive wood planks into the ground where you marked off in about one foot intervals to anchor the fence. Place the chicken fence around the perimeter of your marked off area and use the rope to anchor it. Make sure the ropes are tight.

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      Test your chicken fence with chicken or any other animal of your choosing. Keep the chicken from flying out by covering the top with additional wire and anchoring with more rope.