How to Talk to a Vet Online

Pet owners who have nonemergency questions regarding their pet̵7;s health issues can contact licensed veterinarians online. There are a variety of ̶0;Ask a Vet̶1; websites available to choose from. This convenient form of communication is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Licensed veterinarians are available to chat online and are ready to answer questions and provide advice.

  1. Search Online

    • Begin your journey to chatting with a licensed veterinarian online by searching for a website. Use search keyword phrases such as "chat online with a vet" and "talk with a veterinarian online." Look for a reputable website that provides confirmed medical information for pets. You will want to make sure it has specific credentials; review the "About Us" page of the website. You should find detailed information regarding the veterinarians who are providing the medical advice via the chat session linked to their website.

    Enter Your Question

    • Locate the chat box typically on the home page. It will prompt you to ask your question about your pet. Type your question into the box and submit the question by clicking on the submit button. You can ask any type of question relating to your pet̵7;s health. Common questions include: Can dogs eat human food? Why does my pet have a skin rash? Why is my pet vomiting? The questions are endless. Make sure you communicate clearly by wording your question carefully.

    Provide Details

    • Usually the veterinarian will ask you a series of questions relating to your pet̵7;s health. Carefully answer each question as truthful as possible. Your dog̵7;s history and previous health conditions are important for the veterinarian to know so they can provide the best answer to your specific situation.

    Receive Veterinarian Response

    • The online veterinarian will examine your answers to their questions regarding your pet's history, breed, health and medications by providing medical advice relating to the situation. Most reputable sites that offer online veterinarian chat options charge a fee for the service. Depending on the situation, the online veterinarian may suggest that you bring your pet to your veterinarian. If you are contacting an online veterinarian for an emergency health scare such as a severe injury or constant bleeding, you will be directed to bring your pet to the nearest emergency animal hospital or veterinarian office for help. Keep in mind that the online veterinarian chat is for nonemergency questions only. Always get your pet immediate help during an emergency situation.