How to Make a Heat Lamp for Chicks

Chicks need to be warm to grow and to thrive. Once they are out of the shell, chicks should be placed in a brooder kept around 95 degrees for the first week of their lives. Making a heat lamp for the brooder is a simple task. However, a heat lamp should be used with care to prevent chicks from overheating and to prevent fires from starting.

Things You'll Need

  • Reflector
  • Clamp
  • 250 watt infrared heat lamp bulb
  • Hanging thermometer (optional)


    • 1

      Select a reflector lamp. The reflector should have an adjustable neck and a built-in clamp.

    • 2

      Insert the infrared bulb into the reflector.

    • 3

      Clamp the reflector to the brooder. Clamp it at one end, rather than at the middle, to give the chicks somewhere to go if they get too hot. Ensure that there is no wobble, either from side to side or up and down.

    • 4

      Plug the heat lamp directly into the wall socket. Set the lamp height to approximately 18 inches above the surface. Observe your chicks to ensure they are comfortable. Adjust the height of the heat lamp as needed.