What is the differentiates between hunter- gatherer societies from more complex civilizations?

Hunter-gatherer societies

* Subsistence: Hunter-gatherers rely on hunting and gathering for their food. They typically move from place to place in search of food, and they do not have permanent settlements.

* Social organization: Hunter-gatherer societies are typically small and egalitarian. There is little social stratification, and decisions are made by consensus.

* Technology: Hunter-gatherers use simple tools and weapons, such as bows and arrows, spears, and traps. They also use fire to cook food and keep warm.

* Religion: Hunter-gatherers often have animistic beliefs, which means that they believe that all things in nature have spirits. They may also practice shamanism, which is a type of religious healing.

More complex civilizations

* Subsistence: More complex civilizations rely on agriculture for their food. They have permanent settlements, and they may also have cities.

* Social organization: More complex civilizations are typically larger and more hierarchical than hunter-gatherer societies. There is often a significant amount of social stratification, and decisions are made by a ruling class.

* Technology: More complex civilizations use a variety of advanced technologies, such as writing, metallurgy, and mathematics. They also build large structures, such as pyramids, temples, and roads.

* Religion: More complex civilizations often have polytheistic religions, which means that they believe in many gods. They may also have organized priesthoods.

In general, hunter-gatherer societies are more egalitarian and mobile than more complex civilizations. They also rely more on hunting and gathering for their food, and they use simpler tools and weapons. More complex civilizations are larger and more hierarchical, and they rely more on agriculture for their food. They also use more advanced technologies and have organized religions.