What are three features that an animal needs to control their body temperature?

Three features that an animal needs to control their body temperature are:

1. Insulation: Animals can use insulation to reduce the amount of heat that is lost from their bodies. Insulation can come in the form of fur, feathers, fat, or even behavior such as huddling together.

2. Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation: Animals can control the flow of blood to their extremities to help regulate body temperature. Vasoconstriction is the constriction of blood vessels, which reduces the flow of blood to the extremities and helps to conserve heat. Vasodilation is the dilation of blood vessels, which increases the flow of blood to the extremities and helps to release heat.

3. Sweating and Panting: Some animals can cool down by sweating or panting. Sweating is the process of secreting water from the skin, which evaporates and takes heat with it. Panting is the process of rapidly breathing in and out, which helps to cool down the body by evaporating water from the mouth and lungs.