What are two animals that dependent on each other in the tropical rainforest?

1. Tree frogs and poison dart frogs: Tree frogs are bright green and very toxic, while poison dart frogs are brightly colored and poisonous. They both rely on the poison they secrete to deter predators. Tree frogs are diurnal (active during the day) and poison dart frogs are nocturnal (active at night). This means that they have different predators and can coexist in the same area without competing for resources.

2. Orangutans and figs: Orangutans are large, arboreal primates that live in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. They rely on figs for food, and figs rely on orangutans for seed dispersal. Orangutans eat the figs and then disperse the seeds through their feces. This helps to spread the fig trees throughout the rainforest.