* Morning glory (_Ipomoea purpurea_):
A fast-growing herbaceous vine with heart-shaped leaves and colorful trumpet-shaped flowers.
* Black-eyed susan vine (_Thunbergia alata_):
A herbaceous vine with lobed leaves and dark-centered daisy-like flowers.
* Grape vine (_Vitis vinifera_):
A vigorous herbaceous vine with large, deeply lobed leaves and small, inconspicuous flowers, followed by edible grapes.
* Passion flower (_Passiflora incarnata_):
A trailing herbaceous vine with deeply lobed leaves and intricate, showy flowers followed by edible purple fruits.
Woody Vine
* Ivy (_Hedera helix_):
A woody vine with evergreen, lobed leaves and small, greenish-white flowers in clusters..
* Wisteria (_Wisteria sinensis_):
A deciduous woody vine with compound leaves and fragrant, drooping clusters of blue, purple, or white flowers.
* Clematis (_Clematis spp._):
A diverse group of deciduous or evergreen woody vines with a range of foliage and flower colors and shapes.
* Honeysuckle (_Lonicera spp_):
A woody vine with fragrant, tubular flowers in a variety of colors and pairs of small opposite leaves that distinguish it from trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans), which has compound leaves.
* Trumpet creeper (_Campsis radicans_):
A deciduous woody vine with lush compound leaves and orange-red, tubular flowers and opposite leaves to distinguish it from the honeysuckle, which has pairs of small leaves.