How does illegal hunting affect the world?

1. Biodiversity Loss

Illegal hunting is one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss. When a species is hunted to the point of extinction, it can have a ripple effect on the entire ecosystem. For example, if a keystone predator is removed, it can cause the population of its prey species to explode, which can then have a negative impact on the plant species that the prey species eats.

2. Disruption of Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services are the benefits that humans derive from the natural environment. These services include things like clean air, clean water, and pollination. Illegal hunting can disrupt these services by reducing the populations of animals that provide them. For example, if bees are hunted to the point of extinction, it could have a devastating impact on the agricultural industry.

3. Economic Impacts

Illegal hunting can also have a significant economic impact. The illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion dollar industry, and it can damage the economies of countries that are home to endangered species. For example, the illegal trade in elephant ivory has led to a decline in the elephant population, which has had a negative impact on the tourism industry in some African countries.

4. Health Risks

Illegal hunting can also pose a health risk to humans. Animals that are hunted for their meat or fur can carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans. For example, the consumption of bushmeat has been linked to the spread of Ebola and other deadly diseases.

5. Social Impacts

Illegal hunting can also have a negative social impact. It can lead to conflict between local communities and law enforcement, and it can also contribute to the growth of organized crime. In some cases, illegal hunting can even lead to human rights abuses.


Illegal hunting is a serious crime that has a devastating impact on the world. It is a threat to biodiversity, ecosystem services, human health, and economic development. It is important to take action to stop illegal hunting and protect our planet's wildlife.