What could people do to help your species at risk?

Help protect their habitats. Many species at risk are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation. You can help by:

* Supporting conservation organizations that work to protect habitats.

* Reducing your carbon footprint.

* Choosing products that are made from recycled materials and that have a low environmental impact.

* Getting involved in local conservation efforts.

Donate to conservation organizations. Conservation organizations need money to fund their work. You can help by donating to a reputable conservation organization that works to protect species at risk.

Raise awareness about species at risk. Many people are not aware of the threats facing species at risk. You can help by raising awareness about these threats and the importance of protecting them.

Contact your elected officials. Let your elected officials know that you care about species at risk. Ask them to support policies that protect these species.

Become a volunteer. There are many opportunities to volunteer for conservation organizations that work to protect species at risk. You can help by:

* Working in the field to help restore habitats.

* Monitoring populations of species at risk.

* Educating the public about species at risk.

Adopt or sponsor a species at risk. Some conservation organizations offer programs that allow you to adopt or sponsor a species at risk. This is a great way to help support their work and raise awareness about these species.

Buy sustainable products. Choosing to buy sustainable products can help to reduce the demand for resources that can threaten species at risk. Look for products that are:

* Made from recycled materials.

* Produced using renewable energy.

* Certified organic.

* Fair trade.

By taking these steps, you can help to protect species at risk and ensure that they continue to exist for future generations.