How does trotsky compare to smowball in animal farm?

Trotsky is comparable to Snowball in Animal Farm in several ways.

Ideology: Both Trotsky and Snowball represent different ideological factions within their respective societies. Trotsky, a prominent figure in the early days of the Soviet Union, advocated for permanent revolution and world communism, while Snowball, one of the pigs in Animal Farm, represented the more progressive and liberal elements.

Intellectual Leaders: Both Trotsky and Snowball were recognized for their intelligence and charisma, and they served as influential leaders and orators. They were skilled debaters and were able to captivate their audiences with their ideas.

Expulsion from Power: Trotsky was eventually exiled from the Soviet Union by Joseph Stalin, much like Snowball was ousted from the farm by Napoleon. In both cases, they represented a threat to the power structures that were being established and were seen as potential challenges to the dominant leadership.

Representation of Dissenting Voices: In Animal Farm, Snowball becomes a symbol of the intellectual and rational elements that are often suppressed in totalitarian societies. His banishment serves as a commentary on the silencing of voices that offer differing perspectives and alternatives to the official narratives. Trotsky shared a similar fate in the Soviet Union, representing alternative visions for the direction of the nation and serving as a dissenting voice against Stalin's authoritarianism.

In summary, Trotsky and Snowball's parallel traits lie in their intellectualism, ideological differences, challenges to the centralized authorities, and representation of non-conforming viewpoints within their respective social movements.