How are cattle rounded?

1. Gathering:

- Cowboys or ranchers on horseback ride out to the open range or pasture where the cattle are grazing.

- They slowly move the cattle together into a group using gentle prodding and vocal commands.

- Sometimes, they may use their horses to block the cattle from running off in different directions.

2. Cutting:

- Once the cattle are gathered, the cowboys will perform a technique called "cutting".

- A designated cowboy, known as a "cutter", will separate a specific animal or a small group from the main herd.

- This is done by positioning the horse in front of the desired cattle and moving it away from the group with precise maneuvers.

3. Sorting:

- The cut cattle are then directed into a temporary holding pen or corral.

- Cowboys will sort the cattle based on various criteria, such as age, gender, size, or specific characteristics.

- Sometimes, they use sorting gates to facilitate this process.

4. Driving:

- Once the cattle are sorted, they need to be moved to a different pasture, grazing area, or transportation vehicle.

- Cowboys use vocal commands, hand gestures, and occasionally, whips or flags to guide the cattle in the desired direction.

- This process requires patience, coordination, and teamwork among the cowboys.